COVID19 Information
During the global pandemic of COVID19, we have created a page where you can access all information regarding remote education, mental health, support and the latest government guidance.
Letters and Communication
18th January - letter from Director of Children's Services
Resources for parents, carers and children
Back to school after lockdown - tips from an NHS Psychologist
Coronavirus: wellbeing activity ideas
Covid, anxiety and stress - resources & links
Eight ways to support your anxious child during the coronavirus pandemic
Supporting your child during the pandemic - Young Minds
Remote Learning
Click here to access our remote learning page
Government Guidance
Guidance for schools, parents and carers and students
NEW - Information for parents and carers: coronavirus (COVID-19) - Information & guidance for parents and carers of children attending early years settings, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
NEW - COVID-19: guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing - Advice for parents and carers on looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children or young people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
NEW - Please see PHE’s blog on COVID-19: reintroducing confirmatory PCR testing for further information.
Who to contact
Please see below who to contact and for what reason. If in doubt, call the office on 020 8397 2006.
Your child's mental health and wellbeing - Miss McGrath, our Mental Health First Aider. 020 8397 2006
Free school meals - Mrs Peacock, our Family Liaison Officer 020 8397 2006
Safety of a child - Mrs Johnson, Mr Davis or Mrs Peacock, our designated safeguarding leads. 020 8397 2006