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Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

World Mental Health Day 2023

To acknowledge World Mental Health Day, Miss McGrath led a whole school assembly, where we reflected on our right to feel emotionally safe in school and we have the responsibility to make our friends emotionally safe.

We ran workshops with selected children from Reception to Year 6, where we talked about emotional safety.     

The reception children listened to the story ‘Sophie says it’s okay to not be okay’. The children discussed different feelings that we all experience and it’s normal to have sad feelings. We talked about who we can turn to when we feel sad in school and at home.

The children from Years 1 to 3 talked about being emotionally safe and how we can make others feel emotionally safe through kindness. 

Years 1 & 2 created superheroes that spread kindness. 

Years 3 & 4 looked at the ripple effect of spreading kindness and wrote tokens for someone they would like to give a kind message to.

Year 5 discussed what being emotionally safe means. We thought about creating emotional boundaries and discussed the idea of ‘friendly banter’. We sorted words that could fall into banter, bullying, or best friend debating what can cross boundaries. 

Year 6 worked with Abbey Southall, a Mental Health Support team member.  They discussed the meaning of emotional safety, sorted words into the three B’s, and debated when they could cross the line between ‘friendly banter’ and being unkind.  They then made TikTok-style videos to explain when boundaries can be crossed from banter to bullying. 

All staff were encouraged to have 'Tea and Talk' time throughout the day, where they took part in quizzes, met up to have meaningful conversations, and thought about their mental health. 

World Mental Health Day


        Mental Health and Wellbeing