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Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary

Phonics Screening Check

What is the check?

The national phonics screening test was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils. It is a short, statutory assessment to confirm whether individual pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It aims to identify the children who need extra help so that they can be given support by school to improve their reading skills. At Castle Hill Primary School we already identify children and provide early intervention support if needed.

How is the check structured?

It comprises a list of 40 words and nonsense words, which a child will read one-to-one with a teacher. Half the words cover phonic skills which are usually covered in Reception, and half the words are based on Year 1 phonics skills. Your child has seen words like this before as part of our Read Write Inc phonic program.

Is it stressful to test such young children?

The assessment will be age-appropriate, with children sitting in a quiet space with a familiar adult and reading one-to-one. It should be an enjoyable activity for children which takes no more than a few minutes

How can I help my child at home?

You can help your child prepare for the screening check at home by practising reading the alien words below. Ask your child to read them using the strategies they use in school such as ‘Fred talking’ – sounding out each letter or group of letters and blending them back together. Ask them to spot the ‘special friends’ before reading the word (2 or more letters that make one sound). You can also play ‘Buried Treasure’ or ‘Obb and Bob’ on the www.phonicsplay.co.uk website.


Department for Education Parent Information Sheet

What happens if a child struggles with the screening check?

After the check has been completed you will be informed of your child’s result at the end of the academic year. If your child found the check difficult support will continued to be put in place and phonics will continue to be part of your child’s daily learning. Your child will be able to have another go at the screening in Year 2. 


Alien Words to Practice