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Buckland Road,
Chessington, Surrey,
KT9 1JE 0208 397 2006 admin@castlehill.rbksch.org

Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary


At Castle Hill we take safeguarding and child protection very seriously. If at any time you have a concern for a child you can contact the school office and ask to speak one of the 'Designated Safeguarding Leads' (DSL). 

At Castle Hill, our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:

Mr Iain Davis, Deputy Headteacher

Our deputy DSLs are:

Mrs Dalene Johnson, Headteacher

Miss Helen Peacock, Family Liaison Officer

Miss Siobhan McGrath, SENCO


Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

PDF icon Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

PDF icon Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations against staff