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Buckland Road,
Chessington, Surrey,
KT9 1JE 0208 397 2006 admin@castlehill.rbksch.org

Castle Hill Primary

Castle Hill Primary


On behalf of everyone at Castle Hill Primary School, I would like to welcome you and your child to our school and trust that they will have a happy, exciting and productive learning journey with us.

We are a busy, friendly school where we inspire our pupils to thrive. The school’s core values of Be Aspirational, Be Respectful and Be Compassionate are at the heart of everything we do.  We encourage our pupils to dream big and believe that they can Make the Greatest Difference

We work in partnership with parents/carers, to build on the experiences and skills you have already developed with your child at home. Everyone at Castle Hill sets high expectations in all we do; academically, sporting, and/or personal achievements.

We support our pupils to be motivated to learn and to develop into healthy, sociable and compassionate individuals with a lifelong thirst for learning. Every member of the Castle Hill Community plays a vital role in ensuring our school is the very best it can be, this means we all routinely go ‘that extra mile’.

We believe that every pupil wants to succeed and has the potential to achieve great things, when those around them work together to raise aspirations and create a culture of achievement and success.  

At Castle Hill we work hard to provide a stimulating, supportive and challenging learning environment, in which pupils feel Happy, Safe and Ready to learn.  Their learning is further enhanced with our ambition to ensure that classroom learning is enriched with school trips, visits from professional experts, overnight residentials and immersion days. We are also fortunate to have excellent facilities that further enable us to provide inspiring learning opportunities. 

Every pupil at Castle Hill is deserving of the best learning opportunities and experiences possible. Our pupils do not only aim high and achieve well but are also respectful, good leaders and communicators. We provide our pupils with the skills to succeed in a global society. We are committed to developing these skills and qualities in an inclusive environment that promotes aspiration, respect and compassion

We value our highly skilled, committed and dedicated staff team and acknowledge the crucial role they play in nurturing and caring for our pupils so that they will enjoy their learning and make great progress.

Castle Hill is here for its pupils, they are central to all we do; we believe pupils who know how to enjoy being successful at school will go on to become their own success stories later in life.

Mrs Johnson, Headteacher